Monthly Archives: January 2014

FB Like-box to be responsive

Add parent element to .fb-like-box, eg .like-wrap In you HTML:

And in your CSS:
.like-wrap * {
  width:100% !important;
* selector selects every child element in .like-wrap.


Task was to insert into the database next invoice number. The problem was that invoice number looked like this MB-13. I needed this account number in two pieces MB-- and the last biggest number. In MySQL there is a function substring() and counting starts from 1.
$latest_invoice = mysql_query('SELECT SUBSTRING(Invoice, 4) FROM table WHERE Invoice LIKE "%MB-%"');
Now how to get the biggest number? Tried this:
$latest_invoice = mysql_query('SELECT MAX(SUBSTRING(Invoice, 4)) FROM table WHERE Invoice LIKE "%MB-%"');
It gave 99. But it was wrong, it had to be 255. Invoice number was in a string-format, but I needed a number. Solutions: 1) - add 0 and MySQL automatically converts it.
$latest_invoice = mysql_query('SELECT MAX(SUBSTRING(Invoice, 4) + 0) FROM table WHERE Invoice LIKE "%MB-%"');
The result was my needed 255. Now I had to add 1 to get the next number, but PHP treats it still as a string. To convert to number, as I needed only full numbers, I used (int).
2) Use only number part of the string — I know that first three characters in my string will always be MB-.
$latest_invoice = mysql_query('SELECT MAX(CAST(substring(Invoice, 4, length(Invoice)-3) AS UNSIGNED)) FROM table WHERE Invoice LIKE "%MB-%"');
and in PHP only add 1:

Chorme Developers Tool tips

At the moment I'm taking Udacity's course Mobile Web Development and in Lesson 2 there were some good tips about Chrome Developers Tool.

[caption id="attachment_122" align="alignnone" width="754"]Chrome Developers Tool color checkbox If you hover color's checkbox - the hint is there.[/caption]

  1. Click on color's checkbox, it opens colorpicker and you can play with colors directily in your browser.

    [caption id="attachment_126" align="alignnone" width="804"]You can test colors using Chrome Developers colorpicker You can test colors using Chrome Developers colorpicker[/caption]

  2. If you press SHIFT and click color's checkbox — it changes color format: hex → rgb → hsl.

  3. If you click on any numerical value and use your mouses's scroll — you can change it as you wish, smaller or bigger.